Learn and Grow a Beautiful Flower Garden

Find out what you need to grow flowers whether in your garden or pots, and keep them healthy throughout the year.

Flower Gardening

With over 30 years of experience in the botanical field, we are sure you’ll find the answers to what you are looking for.

Flower Gardening

  • Grow flowers that attracts birds and other animals.
  • Keep your flowers healthy and growing.
  • Keep pest away from your flowers.


  • Grow roses in your garden or in pots.
  • Find out which varieties grow best in your area.
  • Keep the roses blossoming throughout the year.

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  • How Often To Water Geraniums?

    How Often To Water Geraniums?

    Worldwide, gardeners and enthusiasts cherish geraniums for their vibrant colors and aromatic foliage. Renowned for resilience and beauty, these versatile plants flourish in a variety of climates and conditions. Like all plants though, geraniums need proper care to thrive; crucially, this maintenance includes appropriate watering. This detailed guide delves into the art of watering geraniums.…

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  • When Do Zinnias Bloom?

    When Do Zinnias Bloom?

    With their vibrant hues and cheerful blooms, zinnias indeed become quintessential additions to any garden landscape; these resilient annual flowers not only add color–they charm. Moreover, attracting pollinators, a task at which they excel makes them a favorite among all levels of gardeners. For those aspiring horticulturists looking to cultivate an abundant oasis throughout the…

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  • Are Geraniums Perennials?

    Are Geraniums Perennials?

    Gardeners and plant enthusiasts alike have cherished geraniums for their vibrant blooms and lush foliage. Their resilience and ease of care often garner praise, adding a splash of color to gardens, balconies, even indoor spaces. Yet despite this admiration for these charming flowers, one common question persists: Do geraniums function as perennials? Unraveling the mystery…

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  • Can You Grow Petunias Indoors?

    Can You Grow Petunias Indoors?

    With their dazzling array of colors and delicate, trumpet-shaped blooms, petunias are cherished staples of outdoor gardens and landscapes. Yet, can we achieve this same vibrancy indoors? Indeed, many gardening enthusiasts ponder can petunias thrive within indoor environments. In this exploration, we delve into the feasibility of indoor petunia growth, taking into account factors like…

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  • Do Petunias Spread?

    Do Petunias Spread?

    Gardeners cherish petunias for their versatility, stunning array of colors, and prolific blooms that thrive in various settings: cascading from hanging baskets; adorning flower beds, or accentuating container gardens. These vibrant flowers bring a burst of color, and a touch of charm to any landscape. Yet, among gardening enthusiasts, one question frequently emerges: do petunias…

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  • How Much Water Do Petunias Need?

    How Much Water Do Petunias Need?

    Beloved additions to gardens, hanging baskets, and containers are petunias with their cascading blooms and vibrant colors. Thriving in various growing conditions—these resilient annuals bring joy and beauty to outdoor spaces. Nonetheless, maintaining the health; vigor; and abundant flowering of petunias requires an understanding of their water needs, a crucial factor indeed. This article delves…

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  • How Much Sun Do Petunias Need?

    How Much Sun Do Petunias Need?

    With their vibrant colors and cheerful blooms, petunias often grace gardens, containers, and hanging baskets; they can thrive on a sunny patio or add splashes of color to flower beds. To guarantee optimal growth and prolific flowering, a spectacle indeed! One must understand the sunlight requirements of petunias. This article delves into the sunlight requirements…

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  • When Do Petunias Bloom?

    When Do Petunias Bloom?

    With their kaleidoscope of colors and captivating fragrance, petunias rank among the most cherished flowering plants in gardens globally; moreover, they have an uncanny ability to thrive across a multitude of climates and soil conditions. This versatility makes them not just popular with gardeners at every level, it is indeed essential knowledge for all who…

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  • When To Plant Petunias?

    When To Plant Petunias?

    Gardeners worldwide adore petunias for their vibrant colors and delicate blooms. These versatile annuals, whether in hanging baskets or flower beds, infuse any landscape with a burst of color and charm. Nonetheless, crucial to the health, vigor, and prolific blooming of petunias throughout the growing season is knowledge about optimal planting times. Understanding Petunias To…

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